Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Gotta Critique Dem Pix

1) One of the first things I noticed about this photo is how the bear's eye is in clear focus. I like how the water in the background is blurry. It keeps your focus on the bear and fish. I like the angle that the fish is at and how you can see its eye as well.

2) I really like how the foreground in this picture is in good focus. Those bright yellow leaves against the rock has a really interesting appeal in my opinion. I like how the water is blurred out. I think the picture is better off that way because your eyes can focus more on the other aspects of the pictures, rather than the water. It makes the picture seem more calm. I like how off in the background, the yellow trees all sort of blend together to make a pretty background that isn't distracting.

3) Usually I don't like when any part of a picture is blown out, but with this one, I really do like how that upper right corner just fades to a white. It adds a very abstract feel to the overall picture. I like how the rocks look wet but are not blown out... I wonder if there was a graduated filter used with this? Another aspect that I really like is how the water flows diagonally from bottom left to upper right. Diagonal lines are interesting in a photograph.

4) I really like the sky portion with the clear stars. One thing I do not like is the cloud cover over the mountains. I think it is distracting since it is so blurry. I do like it over the sky portion. I really love the lighting with this. I love all the detail on the mountains.

5) I think the bottom portion on this, with the big thermal feature, could use more color. It doesn't seem to pop out like it should, in my opinion. I think you could crop some of the left portion of the picture off to make it flow a little better. You could crop some of the right portion as well. I do like how clear the trees in the background are.

6) I really like the color contrast with this picture. The blurred background is sort of a dull color which allows the red and yellow of the bird to pop even more. The color of the twig really goes well with the yellow of the bird too. I like how the bird has red on it's face... Since red is such a striking color in photographs, it really draws your focus in to the birds face. I like how the two in-focus twigs sort of frame the bird.

7) This photograph seems really noisy to me. Too much is in focus. I think it would benefit by having the water out of focus and maybe the background more out of focus as well. The moss is cool to look at but it distracts from the bear, which should be the main focus of the photograph. The water is very distracting in the foreground. When I look at this image, my eyes don't really know where to go.

8) The color in this photograph is very interesting. I really like how the moose is standing in that field of red. Again, since red is such a striking color, it brings your focus to that moose. I really like how the sky portion fades from that bright orange/yellow to the dull cloudy blue. I also like how the two mountain peaks are different colors. It adds a sense of depth which I find very appealing.

9) I love the intensity of this photograph. The eyes of the bird are in focus which allows you to get that sense of intensity. I like how the wings are slightly blurred... It adds a sense of motion to the photograph. I also like how the wings sort of frame the birds head. I like how the only portion that is in focus is the bird and a little bit of the water. If anything else were in focus, it would be too distracting.

10) I really like the angle that the bear in the front is at. Your eye immediately goes to it. I kind of dislike having the other bear in the background though. I think the picture would look good if it were cropped in just between the two bears so that only the front bear would be in the frame. I prefer more simple pictures and having that other bear in the background provides too much to focus on in this picture. 

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